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Video podcast
from Business Conference 2017

Fusce ac justo ligula. Pellentesque ac metus a turpis bibendum scelerisque. Pellentesque ac orci eget urna vestibulum consequat rutrum vitae purus.

Video podcast
from Business Conference 2017

Instrument Typical Spread Leverage Swaps Short Swaps Long
EURUSD 1.2 1:500 0.0 -7.5
GBPUSD 1.7 1:500 -1.1 -3.7
USDCAD 1.8 1:500 -7.7 0.0
USDCHF 2.1 1:500 -11.7 0.0
USDJPY 1.6 1:500 -23.0 0.0
AUDUSD 1.6 1:500 0.0 -3.1
NZDUSD 1.8 1:500 -0.9 -1.2
Instrument Typical Spread Leverage (from) Swaps Short Swaps Long
AUDCAD 3.0 1:500 -0.4 -3.6
AUDCHF 2.8 1:500 -5.6 0.0
AUDJPY 2.5 1:500 -12.5 0.0
AUDNZD 3.6 1:500 0.0 -6.2
AUDSGD 3.4 1:500 -3.5 -4.5
CHFSGD 6.5 1:500 -5.8 -11.4
EURAUD 3.9 1:500 -0.4 -6.0
EURHUF 66.4 1:500 0.0 -150.7
EURNOK 66.2 1:500 -55.7 -59.6
EURNZD 6.6 1:500 0.0 -12.8
EURPLN 42.2 1:500 0.0 -56.7
EURSGD 3.6 1:500 -1.7 -9.8
EURZAR 121.0 1:500 0.0 -385.4
GBPAUD 3.9 1:500 -8.0 -1.0
GBPNZD 5.0 1:500 -5.0 -7.3
GBPSGD 4.5 1:500 -6.4 -9.6
GBPZAR 166.3 1:500 -15.0 -323.7
NZDCAD 4.9 1:500 -2.9 -1.0
NZDCHF 3.6 1:500 -6.2 -0.1
NZDJPY 2.5 1:500 -14.9 0.0
SGDJPY 3.2 1:500 -3.7 -1.6
USDCNH 16.0 1:500 -72.8 -4.5
USDCZK 20.5 1:500 0.0 -87.3
USDDKK 19.4 1:500 -78.0 0.0
USDHKD 9.0 1:500 -36.0 -23.1
USDHUF 52.7 1:500 0.0 -124.0
USDMXN 141.5 1:500 0.0 -454.7
USDNOK 36.3 1:500 -83.5 0.0
USDPLN 42.8 1:500 -8.0 -35.6
USDRUB 632.0 1:500 -773.8 -191.6
USDSEK 41.2 1:500 -144.8 0.0
USDSGD 6.3 1:500 -12.0 -2.0
USDTHB 2.4 1:500 -2.0 -3.0
USDTRY 450.0 1:500 -2570.0 -4111.2
USDZAR 113.6 1:500 0.0 -262.4
ZARJPY 3.8 1:500 -83.1 0.0

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